We, the people of the Kingdom of Wescocia, mindful of our obligations to ourselves and to future generations, do hereby establish this Constitution. Guided by the wise and benevolent leadership of our monarch, who seeks to promote the common good and establish a just and stable society, we affirm our commitment to the principles of constitutional monarchy, and to the values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. With this Constitution, we seek to create a system of government that is accountable, responsive, and respectful of the rights and dignity of all citizens. We believe that by working together in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill, we can build a strong and prosperous nation, and ensure a bright and promising future for all. Thus, in recognition of the leadership and vision of our monarch, and in the name of the people of Wescocia, we do hereby establish this Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to be upheld and defended by all those who seek to promote the well-being and progress of our beloved kingdom.